Sunday, June 24, 2012


Well, I realize I haven't been keeping up with my reviews as of lately. I did finish a book though last week called "The Singles" by Meredith Goldstein. After reading it I sort of got inspired to start my writing again and I've really been caught up on that for the past couple of days. I've got my friends and family reading what I've come up with so far. I've been spending most of my day with these characters and I'm amazed at how close I've become to them and how invested I am in their world. So after hitting thirty pages in my writing I will definitely write my review for "The Singles" so until then please be patient with me. This summer is bringing some really good things my way and I have to got to start balancing them all.

So until my next post
Happy Reading fellow bloggers



  1. Welcome to the world of blogging!!! I just wanted to show some love and leave a comment. I see we have similar reading taste. I've read the Hunger Games series as well. Unfortunately, I just couldn't get into Fifty Shades. I'm looking forward to reading your review on The Singles and good luck with your writing.

  2. Thanks so much for showing love. I seriously appreciate it! I did read Fifty Shades of Grey, kinda before the hype got so big. It was more of a guilty pleasure read for me, so I understand why you wouldn't have finished it. I had to look past grammar mistakes and other cliched forms of writing in there. But my writing is coming along great so thanks for the luck and I'm going to post up my review on The Singles in just a bit so watch out for it!!
